We deal with artwork on a daily basis for companies and individuals that require a fast turnaround to beat tight deadlines.
Artwork for the Hotfoil Industry:
All artwork is created in vector format, this is then saved as a PDF which is then exported to the image setter. This allows us to get the best and most accurate print possible, which is crucial within this specialised industry.
It’s worth bearing in mind that if a JPEG is contained within the artwork, then this should be a high resolution image – a poor JPEG (of low resolution) will be very noticeable on the finished plate.
If you are supplying artwork then it’s important to supply it in the correct format.
Supplying artwork…
In order for you to get the best possible print from your machine, we suggest that any artwork supplied is in vector format. High resolution images are also accepted but please bear in mind that the files sizes can be quite large – a consideration if you are emailing the artwork to the studio. In regards to hotfoil printing, the use of vector artwork or high resolution image (TIFF or JPEG) is crucial. A low resolution image, when outputted through the image setter, will have jagged edges that will be transferred to the magnesium plate when it is etched.
Creating Outline of Artwork:
We have a vast library of fonts/typefaces to choose from, but please do not assume that we have the exact font you are using. We therefore ask that all fonts/typefaces used are created in outline before forwarding the artwork to us so that the job can be processed quicker. We make every effort to check through our own font library to find the fonts (and most times we do have the font required), but this again takes time and could hold your job up.
File Formats Accepted:
Quark (disable extensions!)
inDesign (disable extensions!)